WTF is esacteksab
There are two types of people (you haven’t heard this joke before), those who ask “WTF is esacteksab?” and those who state “You know that’s basketcase backwards, right?” like somehow I didn’t know what I was doing.
Why this site?
I’m digging back into tinkering and that’s taking place on
GitHub, under the esacteksab
org. I need/want
a place to host docs for projects and will do so with subdomains
. Otherwise this site will remain empty and relatively
unchanged. My personal blog continues to exist at
Origin Story esacteksab
Early 2000’s’ish I was attending my first VMworld and I signed up for Twitter (it was called Twitter back in my day…) on my terrible Blackberry while waiting in line. Stuck my phone back in my pocket to not look at Twitter again. Fastforward to the following year’s VMworld, I go to sign back into Twiter and basketcase isn’t working for a username. 😕 Poke at it, jiggle the handle, I finally determined that I fat-fingered ‘basketcase’ when I signed up. I thought “No big deal, I’ll just sign up again.”. Nope! basketcase was taken. Quite a few people knew me online as ‘basketcase’ so I knew I wanted a play on it, I was going through a phase and decided to type it backwards. Fastforward almost 20 years, and the name has stuck.
Origin Story basketcase
If you’re curious about basketcase
before esacteksab
. I’ve been a car guy
my entire life. Even earlier 2000’s’ish, I bought a car and brought it home on a
trailer. Inside that car was about 8 boxes of parts the previous owner had taken
off, but not put back on. It was very much a project. Those around me in real
life called the project a basketcase. And basketcase was born.
p.s. this also gives me a space to test out my first Hugo theme simpl.